Funhaus Wiki

Bruce is the 'cool guy' (suuuuure) of Funhaus. He is mostly known as the most serious out of the group when it comes to handling the channel and is second-in-command towards Adam, oh yeah and also for his farts.

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Ladies and gentlemen, TV's Brouce Geen.


  •  He is, out of the entire group, the most established as he has appeared on the TV show 'Attack of the Show'.
  • His farts originated from him having taken antibiotics for a year because of a broken jaw, causing him to not be able to burp and only fart.
  • He loves Chipotle.
  • It is said that Bruce is the only one out of the Funhaus team to be a 'cool guy' or 'playa' in school.
  • He hates Turbid so much to the point tha he created a website called, which is worth 10 bucks.

